Meeting minutes

JOM meet & Greet August 18,2024

· Back school Night - Thursday 5-7:30pm give away school supplies skyward mock set up / tutorial

Sports girls basketball, cross country, soccer with River Valley. (Fees & equipment purchased)

· Stem Box full grade level boxes in school or take home 10k-15k

· Digital Art 600 an iPad

· Sept 9, Girls career path female entrepreneurs

· Feminine hygiene products

# Tribal ID get a Discount @aquarium

· Lucetta Abrahamson signed up but kept getting stuck is she halfway processed to maybe push her through.

· Pendleton Letterman for 8th grade get a class together to pay for materials & instructor

· IncentivE- Like the Northstar program student of the month


· Door prizes for babysitters for parent mtgs.


Survey goals & ideas


· First Aid / CPR. / Food Card

· Education apps

· Food Handlers

· STEM kits/boxes

· Tutoring nights provide Food


Child Health& wellness

· Hygiene

· Guest speakers motivational/ Mental health

· Bullying

· Powwow

Community/ Staff Parent-Engagement

o JOM conference

o Financial literacy

o cultural activities (drying deer meat basket weaving beading Sowing)

o annual parade (Stampede)

o community-based meetings.

o GLOW Walk

o Parent SPED workShops

o Storytelling Night (stickgame story, Bear game)


Winners of Door prize Kari Barker, Michelle Jane Paul, Lucetta Abrahamson


New Officers for Parent Committee 2024-2025

President Mari St. Pierre

Vice President Shandy Abrahamson

Secretary Jess Morago

Treasure Laura Morago

Community Parent April Condon

Cultural parent Tashina Gorr

James and Laura another suggestion


We wanna have a medicine making class. (salves, elderberry syrup, teas, etc.)


Also, in the spring time, have a gathering evening with families, showing them where and how to gather with their children.


Ribbon shirt/skirt making classes with dinner!


Goal: JOM will provide cultural enrichment opportunities for all students, families and staff to encourage a better understanding of local tribal history, culture and values.

Allocated Funding:

Objective #1:





Promote the social emotional wellbeing of students, teachers and families

·        Host a (X) Family/Community Event w/identified theme

·        Train --------- (4) on current “SEL” curriculum

·        Provide (X) workshop opportunities for parents (parent poll to decide which workshop topics)

·        Drug/Alcohol Training Curriculum

·        Bullying Campaign

·        (You will be able to measure by number of events held, participation, pre-post survey, behavior/academic reports)

Objective #2:

Provide language opportunities for students, staff and families.

·        Provide language training opportunities to staff and families (courses, curriculum, workshops)

·        Incorporate a winter story telling event in collaboration with (CCT Language Department)

·        Students obtain classes leading to attainment of seal of biliteracy



Goal: JOM will provide educational support and services to enhance student success

Allocated Funding:

Objective #1:




Provide mentoring/tutoring support in each school

·        JOM will hold 18 (2x a month for 9 months September-May) tutoring sessions throughout the year with JOM Advisors, YDP Program and/or peer mentorship.

(you will be able to measure the outcome by %of student GPA as well as the participation in the number of tutoring sessions)

Objective #2:

Ensure that students and families are equipped with the appropriate materials leading to student success

·        Purchase curriculum and trainings for staff and families (STEM, ELA, SEL, Outdoor ED, CTE, MBL)

·        IT equipment supports

·        Health and Wellness supports and equipment

·        Support fees


Goal: JOM will provide youth leadership and community enhancement opportunities

Allocated Funding:

Objective #1:







To strengthen community/family/school relationships


·        Host a (X) Family/Community Event w/identified theme.


Objective #2:

Promote future tribal leaders by

·        Sponsoring PSIS Youth Council

·        Support Academic Field Trips